
Harvard CS 281

CS281: Advanced Machine Learning

Jean-Baptiste Tristan & Michael L. Wick, Harvard University

Time: Mon/Wed 1:30-2:45pm

Location: MD G115


  • Warning: section time and room on Thursday has changed!
  • Office hours will start on September 9
  • First class: September 4

Course Info

Section Times/Rooms
  • Tuesday 3-4pm, MD323
  • Thursday 1:30-2:30pm, Pierce 100F (except for 9/26 and 10/3 -- those dates will have to be in Northwest Building, 52 Oxford St., B166)
Syllabus and Collaboration Policy
  • Assignments: 30%
  • Midterm exam: 10%
  • Reading exam: 10%
  • Project proposal: 10%
  • Status report: 10%
  • Project report: 25%
  • Piazza participation: 5%
Other References
Date Instructor Area TopicReferenceAssignmentProject
Sep. 4 Wick Foundations Introduction 1
Sep. 9 Wick Introduction 2
  • UML 9.1, 9.1.2
A1 out
Sep. 11 Tristan Learning theory 1
  • UML 2, 3
Sep. 16 Tristan Learning theory 2
  • UML 4, 5, 6
Sep. 18 Wick Optimization-based ML 1
Sep. 23 Wick Optimization-based ML 2
A1 due, A2 out
Sep. 25 Tristan Deep learning Stochastic Gradient Descent
  • UML 12.1.1, 12.1.2, 14
Sep. 30 Tristan Optimization for neural networks 1
  • UML 14, 20
Oct. 2. Tristan Optimization for neural networks 2
Oct. 7. Wick Convolutional neural networks
  • DL 9
A2 due, A3 out
Oct. 9 Midterm
Oct. 14 Columbus day
Oct. 16 Wick Convolutional neural networks
  • DL 9
Oct. 21 Wick Recurrent neural networks
  • DL 10
A3 due
Oct. 23 Wick Recurrent neural networks
  • DL 10
Oct. 28 Tristan Probabilistic machine learning Bayesian machine learning
  • PRML 4
Oct. 30 Tristan Markov Chain Monte Carlo 1
Nov. 4 Tristan Markov Chain Monte Carlo 2
Proposal due
Nov. 6 Tristan Variational inference
Nov. 11 Wick Deep learning Deep learning and linguistics
Nov. 13 Wick Deep Q-Learning
Nov. 18 Swetasudha Panda Invited talk RL and game theory
Nov. 20 Rediet Abebe Invited talk ML and sociology
Nov. 25 Reading exam
Status report due
Nov. 27 Thanksgiving
Dec. 2 Project feedback
Dec. 16
Paper due
Week Type TopicTF Reading
Sep. 9 Review Math Celine and William
Sep. 16 Review Python/Scikit-learn Zach and Jason
Sep. 23 Reading William ImageNet:A Large-Scale Hierarchical Image Database
Sep. 30 Reading Lev Adaptive Methods for Nonconvex Optimization
Oct. 7 Review Pytorch zach
Oct. 21 Reading Zach Neural Machine Translation by Jointly Learning to Align and Translate
Oct. 28 Reading Yuting Conditional Random Fields:Probabilistic Models for Segmenting and Labeling Sequence Data
Nov. 4 Reading Jason Human-level concept learning through probabilistic program induction
Nov. 11 Reading Celine Hierarchical Dirichlet Processes
Nov. 18 Reading Lev Playing Atari with Deep Reinforcement Learning
Head Teaching Fellow
Teaching Fellows
Office Hours
  • After lecture, 3pm-5pm. Friday 10am-12pm.: MD217 (Tristan)
  • By appointment: MD217 (Wick)
  • Tue 5pm-6pm, Wed 5:30pm-6:30pm: MD second floor (Ziegler)
  • Sun 5:30pm-7:30pm: Currier House Dining Hall (Ma)
  • Thu 1:30pm-3:30pm: Adams House Dining Hall (Liang)
  • Thu 7:30pm-9:30pm: Adams House Dining Hall (Fu)
  • Tue 5pm-6pm, Thu 5pm-6pm: Science Center, first floor of Cabot Library (Kou)
  • Wed 7pm-9pm: Quincy House Dining Hall (Grossman)

Time and Location

  • Thursday 5-6pm: Pierce Hall 320
  • Friday 11-11:59am: MD 223

Date Location Topic Materials
Sep. 1, 10-11am (Mark) Pierce 301 Math Review (Linear Algebra, Calculus, Probabilistic Theory)
Sep. 4, 5-6pm (Zhirui) Pierce 301 Math Review (Linear Algebra, Calculus, Probabilistic Theory)
Sep. 7, 5-6pm (Rachit) Pierce 320 Code Review (Python, Numpy, Matplotlib, PyTorch)
Sep. 8, 11-11:59am (Rachit) MD 223 Code Review (Python, Numpy, Matplotlib, PyTorch)


The objective of this final project is to explore new research in machine learning. The ideal outcome would be a paper that could be submitted a top machine learning conferences.

Types of projects (Examples)

Advanced application
Use advanced machine learning techniques to provide a new solution to a problem.
Improve an existing machine learning algorithm to work under constraints such as limited memory, large datasets, or exotic computing models. For example, you could attempt to implement an algorithm on a GPU, distribute it, or use dimentionality reduction to reduce its memory footprint.
Advanced experimentation
Compare different models. Devise new evaluation metrics.


You should work in a group of 3 or 4 people. Groups of 2 will be considered with permission. Larger groups will not be permitted.


There are three deliverables.


Write a two-page document describing the plan for your project. This should clearly state what problem you are trying to solve. If you have developed a new model, explain what models this work will build on and how it resolves deficiencies. If it is a new algorithm for inference, explain the regimes for which you think it well be well-suited. If you are developing a new theoretical contribution, discuss the theorems you will prove. For problem-driven papers, discuss the data and the unique challenges that make this interesting. Identify relevant work and algorithms you intend to implement as baselines. This does not need to be a comprehensive document and I expect that it will be speculative. Your focus should be on identifying the questions you wish to answer about your data or your method and specifying clearly what success will mean.

Status report

Write a four-page document to describe the status of your project. What have you proved? What baselines have you established? Have there been unexpected results, good or bad?

Final report

Using the NeurIPS conference paper format (available at http://nips.cc), write a paper of up to ten pages. This paper should have a typical conference style, with abstract, introduction, etc. You should clearly state what problem you are trying to solve, introduce and explain your approach, and review the relevant literature. It should explain in detail the experiments that were run, show their results and discuss conclusions that can be drawn.